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Showa® CN751 Biodegradable EBT Flocked-Lined Nitrile Coated Gloves, 15-in (18-mil)
Product Code :89-CN751
Save Money When You Purchase By the Master Carton!
Improve Sustainability
The inventors of the world's firstsingle-use latex-free biodegradablenitrile gloves, SHOWA®, now brings you the world's first biodegradable chemical-resistant nitrile glove. Mass consumed, gloves are eventually tossed into our landfills where they will slowly breakdown over the next 100+ years! Factor three times the global glove demand and three times the waste –the global health eventis the right time to considerhealthier hand protection solutions for our planet!
Showa's Research & Development teamraises the bar of innovation yet again with these SHOWA 100% Biodegradablechemical resistantNitrile Gloves withEco-Best Technology® (EBT).SHOWA® glove has achieved theGreenCircle certificationthat meet all the necessary qualifications to be certified for biodegradable claims. TheASTM D5526 certificationdemonstrated that SHOWA® CN740 EBT gloves achieved 82%biodegradationin only 386 days, while gloves without EBT achieved only 1.9% biodegradation over the same period of time.EBT offers the solution that makes a difference to the environment, without any compromise on protection and performance for the user.
These royal blue chemical resistant SHOWA® CN751 gloves feature an innovative flocking system that help distribute moisture for easier on/off even after extended wear. In addition,the glove is designed with agrip wave pattern to ensure a secure grip.Meets with Federal regulations for food contact21CFR, 177.2600.Wave pattern finish. 15-inch length, 18-mil.
Ideal for
- Chemical spray and treatment
- Handling light chemicals in agriculture, horticulture
- Light assembly of oil-coated pieces
- Coating preparation
- Washing and cleaning
Specify size when ordering
Manf: Showa® #CN751
Packed: priced per pair, sold 12 pair per packorder in increments of 12
(Best Price = 6 packs per carton-72pr)
- +click for food compliance certificate
- +click for size chart
- +watch YouTube video on Eco Best Technology® (EBT)
Part of the ChemRest® family, this glove resists many chemicals. If you need helpselecting the right chemical resistant glovefor the job then visit this on-line chemical directory. Supported by their global network of manufacturing, research and safety specialists,www.Chemrest.comallows safety professionals to easily conduct an initial search for a SHOWA® glove that protects against a specific chemical or chemical mix.
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